This weekend was homecoming at Hope. On Friday night we had a hoedown at Teusink's farm. It was a lot of fun. We did some dancing, went on a hay ride, went through a hay maze, and pet some animals. The had a cow that was laying down and there was a cat that was walking around in the different animal's pens and it was cuddling with the cow. It was so cute.

On Saturday, Erin and I rode the Republicans of Ottawa County float in the homecoming parade. I threw candy out to the people watching and she handed out pamphlets reminding people to get an absentee ballot when the go home for fall break and why the should vote for McCain. Congressman Pete Hoekstra was there, and I got to shake his hand. Then we had a tailgate for the Hope Republicans before the game.

After the parade I went to the game with a few friends. We were cold and left at half time, though. We were losing 14-13, and I heard that we ended up losing by one point. We decided to get pizza for dinner after that. Then some of us that didn't got to the dance decided to play Sardines, which I had just heard of. We played around campus and in different buildings. After we came back, Erin, Kirsten, and I decided to play the game true colors. It was a lot of fun!