I'm on a boat!

I woke up late because I was tired from Friday night. I worked a little on homework before going to Freo with Carrie and Katie to meet up with Paul and the CIEE students because Paul was taking us on a twilight sail on the Leeuwin II. We got to Freo at 3:30 and went to the boat area. At 4 we got to go on the boat and it sailed around until 7. It was a lot of fun, although the wind made it very chilly. The first picture is of the boat and the second one is a lot of the people from the trip helping to get the sails up. There was also a group on the other side. There was also food on the boat and the bread and fruit were delicious. Carrie loved the little meat pies and kept eating them. haha! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I'm_on_a_Boat
After the boat, since we were in Freo anyway, we decided to stop at the Monk. It was Katie, Corin, Carrie, and me. They all got beers and I got a sprite. Carrie and Corin got the same one and said that it was nasty. They didn't have much choice for food, so we just got drinks. Sam texted Carrie while we were there saying to come to my flat, well Brendan's but it's mine too, because they were all going to go out at 10:30. They were going to go to Metro Freo, but then someone said it was a $25 cover charge, so we went to Newport. It was fun, but I had more fun last weekend. I kept getting beer spilled on me and one person even threw a glass or something when I got wet but some other people actually got cut from the glass! It wasn't anyone from our group, though. After that, we were going to go to The Clink, but we thought the cover charge was like $2, but it was $10 so we didn't end up going. Corin, Katie, and I got chips to share and Carrie and Mini both got Kebabs. (They aren't like Shish-kebabs in the States, they are like a wrap type thing.) We then took the night-rider bus back. It cost $5, which isn't too bad, especially when you consider the other choice was a taxi which would cost more and the line for a taxi was ridiculously long. You can tell that the bus is for drunk people, because below is the back of the ticket. We then came back and they all said they were going to hang out at Brendan and my flat, but I went to bed before they got there and I didn't hear them so I'm not sure what they did. (Somehow the font got messed up, so I tried to fix it, but didn't know how. This is the best I could do.)

Ha! "Passengers are encouraged to say something, not spray something." Funny!
I'm glad you didn't get seasick on the boat. Did you use your SeaBands?
of course I used my bands :) There was someone from our group talking about being seasick when we first got on and I said something about my bands. Then one guy asked how they worked and another one just pointed to his head. I really want to know if they actually do anything. There was one person from our group that got sick, so glad it wasn't me! (Also, they kept saying that it was worse downstairs, and I heard other people say that but I thought it was better because I kept forgetting about being on a boat!)
I guess no one took your fancy, then, since the box below is empty ;)
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