Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why do I keep forgetting a title?!

I decided to just sleep in today, instead of setting an alarm, since I'm sick, and I ended up sleeping almost 12 hours again! I am feeling a lot better, though. My throat still hurts a little, but it was mostly when I woke up. My friends all went on a wine and chocolate tour today, and since I don't drink or like chocolate that much (especially not $50 worth), I stayed here. I needed to work on homework anyway, since I slept almost all of Thursday and have a lot of reading to catch up on!
Pretty much all I did today was homework, cleaning some of the crap in my room, and watching the last few episodes of Survivor. (I've finally watched every season!) I worked on homework until about 7:30-8ish, when some of my flatmates came home and decided to blast music before going out, so I took a break and got online. I played some scramble on facebook, my new favorite game as of today, and talked to my cousin, Sami, and my parents. I started listening to my 'Team Starkid' playlist on my zune and I couldn't not listen to it, so I'm writing this and playing scramble until it is over or I get too tired. Afterward, I'm probably just going to go to bed and actually set an alarm for tomorrow so I don't sleep the day away instead of doing homework!

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