Thursday, August 5, 2010

Crap, I forgot a title!

I didn't have class again today, but I did wake up at a reasonable time. I didn't really do much in the morning, but when I checked the mail, I got my debit card. I then went to unicredit to have my card activated and then the guild shop (a smaller bookstore that you can get things cheaper at if you are a guild member) to buy a few things. I had to get a lab coat for only two of the labs that I have this semester, which stinks, but I guess I had to do it. I also checked my smartrider card to see if I had registered it right to get the cheaper price, and they said that I had and to just tag on and off in two days to fully register it. As I was walking over to the bookstore, I decided to stop by the table/booth that Murdoch Christians United (MCU) had set up, and they said that they were having a meeting in 5 minutes, so I went to that. It was kind of a small scale of chapel at Hope. There were ~20 people there, and we sang two songs. (One that we often sing in chapel and one that I hadn't heard before) The songs were followed by the guy who seemed to be in charge explaining Deuteronomy and a timeline of the bible. After that, I went to the bookstore to get a few more things that I needed.
When I came back, I read some of my biology reading that I had to do for tomorrow, until ~5:15. At that point, I went over to the village seminar room because the US Consulate for the Perth area came to talk to us and there was 'American food' afterwards. The American food was PB&J, doritos, and oreos. I came back and was going to finish my biology reading, but Carrie and Corin came over and invited me to go to Carrie's flat to watch a movie and they ordered pizza, but I didn't want any. We watched Cop Out, which was a pretty cheesy movie, but I've scene worse. (Whale Rider, anyone?) We also watched a little tv, and now I'm back writing this. I'm going to finish reading my biology and then I'm going to bed because I actually have class tomorrow and I have to sign up for the Northwest Excursion that I want to go on this semester. We have two week long breaks that it is offered in, but I have to do the first because my biology class has a field study during the second one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had a note written on this comment and then pushed the wrong button (have no idea which one) and erased all of it. I HATE when that happens. I enjoy reading your BLOGS. I'm glad you are keeping a JOURNAL of your stay in Australia. It'll be great to reminisce in years to come. I know I still enjoy mine once in awhile-----from way back to 1939
luv ya----GRAM ROTH