Thursday, August 19, 2010

(insert your own title here)

It's so hard to think of titles every day! I woke up this morning and went to start cooking chicken because I was eating the last cooked chicken for lunch. I also went to check the mail, but as of this morning, which I think was yesterday's mail, I have not received my care package from my parents yet. Hopefully I'll get it soon. I then worked on my paper while the chicken was cooking. It took too long that I was not able to go to the MCU (Murdoch Christians United) public bible talk, but I needed to work on my paper anyway. I've actually written all of my paper, but I still need to edit it and cut back on my word count. For the 600-700 word portion, I have over 950 words, so I need to cut down a lot! I also definitely need to polish it well because in the system that they have for grading over here, there is only a few assignments and this paper is 20% of my final grade! Plus, it is harder to get an HD (High Distinction) than an A in America because they grade from the bottom up, instead of the top down. (I'm not sure if that makes sense, but most people get Passes or Credit and the system is HD, D (distinction), C, P, then N(fail).
At 4:00, Carrie came over and we went to the store. Today they are open later (like 7) so we could go later. We both had a lot to get and she told me that she was going on the first Northwest Trip too! I first went to Kmart because I had to buy some things for the Northwest trip, such as a duffel bag and face fly net. We aren't allowed to bring hard cased suitcases, which were the only ones that I had. I also got my new favorite lollies there because they are cheaper there than at Coles! After Kmart, I went to Coles to get some food, including some more chicken. I wanted to make sure that I'll have food here for when I get back from the Northwest trip, since we're coming back on Sunday after the stores close. When I came back and put my food away, I noticed that my new duffel bag has the perfect brand name... Northwest Passage! haha
Now I'm just eating some strawberries and bread for dinner and I have to edit my paper some more so that I can print it off and turn it in tomorrow. Hopefully I'll get a good grade on it, but since it's my first assignment in Australia, I have no idea! Wish me luck!

One week and a day until the Northwest trip!


Therese said...

I'm glad to see you're working so hard-I'm sure your grade will reflect that!
Remember to keep having fun, too :)
I hope you get your care package soon; there are peanut butter cookies in there!

Brad said...

Good luck on your paper! I hope you get an HD!!

Caitlin said...

oh, and Jacki called me tonight :)