Wednesday, August 11, 2010

oops... I forgot to blog last night!

I had an 8:30 biology class yesterday morning, followed by 3 hours of my Aboriginal Colonized History class. It actually wan't as bad as last week because our class got into a debate with the guest lecturer (who taught the class up until this year) about whether or not the settlers used germ warfare on the aboriginals when they came. He said that there is no proof, but many of the students deduced from what evidence there is, that they did intend to spread small pox.
After class, I came back to my flat and ate an apple for lunch before Carrie came over because we wanted to go to the store. She was going to get a phone at Kmart, but they didn't order any of the cheap one, so she'll have to go to Freo. I went shopping at Coles and the Chemist (pharmacy). I actually found some Ensure, but it comes in a powder that you mix with water. I'm trying it this morning, and it kind of tastes like the marshmallows that come in Swiss Miss hot chocolate.
At 3:30, I had my seminar on living and learning class, but when we got there Paul said that there wasn't enough interest to run the course as it currently is, and instead we'll be doing a continued orientation thing. This only meets every other week and won't be worth a credit. It is also for everyone in CIEE, not just those who signed up, and there will be food! As a treat for signing up, Paul is setting up a home-stay for Corin and me. :)
After our "class," I came back and ate some stuff for dinner, reread some of the pre-lab for my biology class today. Russ also emailed me the list of people on the first Northwest trip, so that I could try to find someone to switch with me. I sent an email to everyone and am still hoping that someone will switch. I have one person who said that he didn't sign up that was on the list, so I'm hoping that Russ will get that email and maybe that is a vacancy. Keep your fingers crossed! After that, I was too worried about changing and waiting to hear replies, that I couldn't do homework, so I watched an episode of survivor. I then read some more of my pre-lab and went to bed.


Therese said...

2 questions:
1. Did you like the Ensure?
2. What is a "home-stay"?

Caitlin said...

The ensure was alright, it tasted like Swiss Miss marshmallows, but I definitely like the stuff in the cans/containers better.

A home-stay is when you stay with a family for a weekend.