Sunday, September 12, 2010

I hate making titles, but it looks weird without one!

I woke up today and stupidly went online to check my mail and started facebook chatting with my dad and before I knew it, I had lost the whole morning when I wanted to get up to do homework! I did do some reading, though. I read some of the articles for my class on Tuesday and started to read the book for my other indigenous studies class. The book is about the stolen generation, which is a topic that I find very interesting, especially since it happened so recently! I'm finding this easier to read than my articles for the other class, but I still am sick of reading. I realized today how much more the American school system suits me with the constant homework and worksheets that provide a reason for me to stay reading. I know it'll be hard to go back to that, though.

While I was reading, I noticed that my flatmates were vacuuming and when I went out to make noodles for dinner, I found they had cleaned! The kitchen and living area look great, but the bathrooms still aren't perfect. They have cleaned the crap off of the toilet area in the girl's bathroom too! I guess we'll find out tomorrow if it is clean enough to pass inspection. There are still some parts that aren't the cleanest, but I'm sure we'll pass at least part of it, and hopefully all of it by the second time.

Other than just reading, I haven't done much today. I feel like that's what I'm going to say about everyday for a while. I've got a lot of homework due in the next two weeks, but then it's study break number two! (and I actually will be studying this time, and doing a biology field study)

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