Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I try to think of something clever for a title throughout the day, but I epically fail!

I had every intention to get up early today and listen to some more lectures, but I was just too tired and hit the snooze too much. :P I did get up at a reasonable time, though, because I had to go to the CIEE office to print my paper and go turn it in. I then came back and heated up some chicken with orange sauce (I love my parents for sending me that!) and listened to another lecture. I then took a quick nap before going to face my doom in the form of a biology midterm.

The lab starts at 1:30 and we were given the test at the beginning. It was 32 multiple choice questions, but he messed up the answers on one of the questions and he's throwing that out. I was kind of sad because he said the answer and I had that one right! I finished the test in about an hour and then had another half hour until the computer simulation part of our lab. We had an excel workshop thing for learning about mark-recapture. That was pretty easy and I got out of lab at 5, which is a half hour early. Before the lab, I logged in to LMS, it is the website for the classes to post announcements etc similar to Moodle at Hope, and found that my paper I turned in is now due on Friday! I'm glad that I got it done anyway, though.

I came back and of course took a nap. I think it was deserved, though, because of the amount of anxiety I always have before tests. After that, I was not in a homework mood, which means that I have a lot to do tomorrow to finish my lab report that is due on Friday. I ended up watching Glee and going on facebook before showering and now I'm writing this. Hopefully I'll get up early tomorrow to start writing my lab report. Although, I guess that depends on if I can fall asleep tonight!

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