Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"Who needs science fiction, anyway?"

Tuesdays suck! I had class starting at 8:30 and it was a guest lecturer, which meant that it wasn't going to be on lectopia so I forced myself to get up even though I was extremely tired. (I still can't sleep at night and I hit the snooze 3 times this morning.) It was a talk about Woylie's which are so cute! He also talked about Toxoplasma, which changes your fears, and when it accumulates in mice they will go right up to cats. (Hence the title, it's something the lecturer said) He also told us that humans can get it and you are 2.5x more likely to get in a car crash if you do. Then I went to my other class that has the two hour lecture followed by the tute. I almost fell asleep so much which would have been really awkward since there were only 6 of us there today. We ended up watching a doco in the tute and then our lecturer talked about it and he went way over, so I was late to Paul's ongoing orientation class. Luckily Paul doesn't care and another student is in my class, so he was late too. After class we went to the CIEE office to eat lunch and talk.

After that, I came back to my room and had to take a nap in order to be able to function. 5 hours of class on less than 5 hours of sleep is not a good idea. I figured that since I'm not able to sleep at night I can just take a nap and stay up later tonight to study. After my nap, I started studying because I have my biology midterm tomorrow. It's worth 10% of my grade and is multiple choice. In the grand scheme of things, it isn't as big of a part of my grade as other things, but that didn't stop me from having a panic attack. I also have a paper due tomorrow (which is 15% for that class) and a lab report that is another 5% due on Friday. It has all just built up that I freaked out a little. I facebook chatted with my mom and listened to some music, which helped calm me a lot. I reheated my fajitas from Zapata's for dinner, which was good, but I liked Mexican Kitchen better. I then wrote my paper/answered the questions for my assignment due tomorrow and saved that to print tomorrow morning and turn in. I really don't know what to expect for my test tomorrow or how to study, so I read through the labs again and am listening to some of the lectures. I'm also praying to God that he'll help me to study the right things, since I don't have time to do it all. haha

Now I'm starting to feel tired, but I know that if I try to go to bed, I will just lay there completely awake. I might as well be doing something productive and try to study. I'll definitely not deprive myself of sleep, though. I know the importance of getting a good night's sleep before a test.

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