Monday, December 6, 2010

Ginga Ninja

Happy St. Nick's Day!

I woke up and ate some cornflakes with sugar for breakfast. (Katie made me eat!) I sat with Katie, Nathalie, Monica, and Rohan. The table cloth had jelly beans on it, and Rohan was playing with the tablecloth. All of the sudden, Monica just hits his arm and all of us jumped. She then told him not to play with his food. It probably isn't funny to anyone that wasn't there, but it cracked me up so I wanted to put it in here so I'd remember it.

The first thing we had at NTE was strand group again. Our group went overtime which cut into our reflection time. I went back to our corner. Katie and I decided to rename it the Singing Corner because we would often just sit/lay there and sing along with our own music. Rohan came and sat with us for a while but then left. After break we had the Gospel thinking track, the science one, again. He talked about these four men who call themselves 'The Four Horsemen' and are anti-Christianity. After the talk Monica tried to tell Jae about what happened at breakfast, but she was cracking up at it and it was so funny! Monica's laughter was actually funny than the actual story!

Next we had lunch. It said that the sandwich was roast beef, but really I think that's debatable. It didn't really look or taste much like roast beef. Then Katie, Rohan, Tom, and I went to the singing corner until we had campus time. Campus time was a time designated for your uni to get together to discuss some more about mission and get last minute details figured out. All of WA was by each other, even though we came from a few different unis. Tom and a few others were actually doing mission with other unis, so they were somewhere else. We first all talked and prayed altogether. Then we split into our mission teams to go over last minute details.

When we were done talking, a bunch of WA students started a game of 'Thong Cricket.' (Thong meaning flip flop, of course.) After a while Katie and I went outside of that building and had a new 'singing corner' even though it wasn't really a corner. Sadly, I had sat in some tree sap and got it all over the back of my pants. :( Rohan had joined us when he realised that we were outside. He doesn't like being in the sun, so he kept moving where ever the shade was. After a while we went inside and joined the rest of the group. They had brought mattresses from Gemma in and were mostly laying on them.

Monica playing Thong Cricket
Nathalie and Shibs playing Thong Cricket

Katie and I chillin' with Octavius

Dinner was after that, and since we were kinda bored, we went early. We were the first ones there except for Kat. Kat, James, Jae, Amanda, Rohan, Katie, and I were all sitting at one table and somehow the topic of budgets/money came up. There was a very heated debate between Kat and Rohan because he has a video game section in his budget. She just couldn't find justification for it. After dinner, we had another main session with Don Carson.

When we got back to Lyneham, we decided to walk to woollies (Woolworths) and maccas (McDonalds). We wanted to go to Woollies so that we could get a birthday cake for Nathalie. Her birthday was the 13th, but that was the day that Katie and I were leaving and we wanted to all be together to celebrate and tomorrow's the last night before mission. We went to woollies first and Katie and Monica bought some cakes for the celebration tomorrow. We then went to maccas. There were a lot of people from NTE there. It was full! We had to be all secretive about Nathalie's cake and birthday celebration because she didn't want anyone to know it was her birthday because she is about 4 years older than everyone else. We gave the cake to Monica to put in her room because she was in a different room and Nathalie would know something was up if it was in our room.

The title is a nickname that Katie gave Rohan. He said that I was a ninja as we were leaving the main session yesterday night because I was weaving in and out of the crowd. We kept joking about my ninja skills throughout the day and when we were leaving maccas he hid by the sign to hide from Monica. Her perkiness scares him. Katie then called him a Ginga Ninja since he has red hair and it rhymes.

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