Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I went to Australia and got the Black Plague!

Today was the first day of summer in Australia. I woke up at about 9:30. Gemma came around to the different billets' houses and picked us all up to go to the Edwards' house. We then decided where people were going to go so that we could go to places in groups. We all ended up going downtown to start with. We went to the shopping centre in the middle of Canberra and all ate lunch at the food court. I got some KFC. I don't know if it is because of what I ordered, but it was better than what they have in America. At the KFCs in America, it seems like it is just breaded chicken bones with a little meat but this actually had some white meat chicken! It was still no Chicken Treat quality, though.

We then decided to split into groups to go different places. Katie and I joined the group of people going to Questacon. It is like a hands-on science museum and was a lot of fun. Nathan, a different one than before, organized us to get a cheaper rate when we got on the bus and for Questacon, which was nice. They don't acknowledge student IDs from other states in Australia, for some reason, so it was good he could organize a cheaper rate. They had a bunch of different science things, optical illusions, and even a roller coaster simulator that I went on after some convincing. I was happy that I didn't get sick despite not having my motion sickness wristbands with me. At the giftshop, I decided to get a pi shirt that has the pi symbol made out of some of the digits of pi and a plush microbe of the Black Plague. It was hard to decide which microbe to buy, but I wanted to say that I went to Australia and got ______, so the Black Plague sounded like a good choice.

We then went back to the Edwards' for dinner. We had pasta again. I then talked with Katie, Ruby, and Rohan. Somehow we got on the topic of Disney and ended up singing Disney songs! We also randomly got on the topic that cute actually means 'ugly but interesting.' Katie and I had never heard of this definition before, and now I've looked it up and that is not one of the definitions...maybe it is an Australian definition...?

After dinner we took the bus back to the Tinney's. The eight of us all talked again and we laughed at the guys obsession with tea. They were so in to it and were trying to make Ben understand by making him tea. (He wasn't much of a tea drinker before.)

The side view of Einstein is a bird!

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