Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bunga binga... Ugg!

Today was my last full day in the Perth area. My mom wanted to go to the E shed markets, but first I had to get something to eat. I wanted a cinnamon roll from Gloria Jean's because we went there yesterday and it was delicious. I didn't actually know the name or really where it was, so we ended up walking around Freo for a while before we found it. We didn't see cinnamon rolls anywhere else, which is why I wanted to find that place again. We went to the E shed markets which was quite bigger than we had thought.

Afterwards, we went to the Woolstores shopping centre. I don't remember what all happened because it was so long ago. (I'm writing this on Dec 15) We then were walking downtown and I saw a store with ugg boots on sale. I had finally convinced my parents that I wanted some and I should get them in Australia. We asked the lady working there about the different labels to make sure that we weren't getting a knock-off kind. She explained that the brand Ugg used to be Australian owned. They were bought by the US and are now all made in China. (go figure!) Ugg boots, the generic name, just means boots that are made of sheepskin. I ended up getting another brand that was actually Australian owned and made. (The title is a pun about the sound effects from the computer game Dino Slots.)

We continued walking around Freo and went to the Lolly shop and back to Freo markets. We also stopped at Coles so I could get some last minute things for the bus trip. We then went back to the flat to eat our leftovers for lunch. We also took a long nap until dinner time.

 I wanted to go to Little Creatures because I had still never been there and it is in every guidebook, so we went there. We were told to go to the loft, and saw that they had a comedy night that night. We had to wait for a while before the comedy part was open, so we got some drinks in the loft area. We thought they had food up there, but it ended up just being appetizers, so I got two little burgers to eat for dinner. The comedy was pretty funny. There were three guys and the MC. The first comedian wasn't very funny, but the other two were good. Some of the jokes were about Australia and the Perth area, so my parents didn't understand them. I got most of the jokes, though. The last comedian had one part where he talked about imaginary friends from when he was younger. He went around and gave out masks of famous people and they had to go up and sing some song about friendship that I don't remember any more. He gave me a mask and I had to go up. I then realized that the mask I had was actually him! It was kinda awkward. Luckily the comedy was done before the grill part of Little Creatures had closed. I had wanted to try the frits, their fries/chips, because I had heard they were amazing. They were!

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