Friday, November 26, 2010

It's weird to be a tourist where I've been living...

Today my parents and I went on a tour called Aussie Super Bonanza Day Tour. It was a 6 in 1 tour that did many tourist things. It ended up being a really good value for everything that we did and we had a lot of fun. We had to be in Perth by 8:30 and at a place near the train station for them to pick us up. They usually pick you up from where you are staying if you are in Perth, but we were in Freo. We had some trouble finding the place where we were supposed to meet him, but we found it. Our tour guide's name was Ron. After picking us up, he had another couple, from Hong Kong, that he had to pick up too.

Our first stop was Caversham Wildlife Park. I had been there about two weeks before, but I was still extremely excited because I love Aussie animals. We also had a tour guide from Caversham this time, which was really interesting. She explained how they have white kangaroos and white dingos. The white kangaroos are actually a mutation and they were bred like that. While they aren't albino, it looks like they have the health problems with their eyes because they look more closed from their light eyelashes. She also explained how the white dingos are actually a natural variation in the colouring of dingos. We also got to pet the wombat and went to the Farm Show. My dad got picked to try and crack the whip during the show. Both of my parents ended up milking the cow at the end of the show. (I had milked it last time I was there, and once was enough for me!)

After Caversham, we went to an Aboriginal store. My parents ended up buying some things, but I don't remember what they ended up getting.

The next stop was a wine tasting. Since I don't drink, I just sat there and watched. It was pretty interesting to hear some of the differences in wines. I just drank some water and ate cheese. They had about 6 wines that they tasted. The guy giving the wines also showed us these weird wine bong things. I guess the point is that you end up heating them with your hand by the way that you hold the bong. It also supposedly gets you more drunk because the alcohol also goes up the other part of the bong and you end up inhaling it when you drink. My parents ended up getting 3 bottles of wine and then getting a set  of 2 wine bongs for free.

The next stop was at chocolate store. They had samples of their white, milk, and dark chocolate in chips sitting out. We ended up getting some nut chocolate clusters and a cookies and cream bar. They were alright, but I've had better. We didn't want to get too much because lunch was afterwards.

For lunch we went to the tour guide's, Ron, house. His wife made some lamb chops, potatoes, and a salad. I normally don't really like lamb, but it was really good. Ron also made his 'famous' apple pie. My parents liked the wallpaper that they had in their dining room because it was the same as either in my mom's grandparents house or my parents' first house. (They didn't agree on where it came from.) They also had a collection of spoons and had one with wooden shoes, so my parents took a picture. They had a really big house and an awesome view of the Swan River.

We then took a ferry from his house back to Perth. It was a short ride, but it was cool to take the ferry because I hadn't taken the ferry before. Ron then picked us up at the other side of the river.

When we got to Perth, we went to King's Park. We went on the tree top walk. My parents and I had done the walk yesterday, but it was still cool. The tree top walk wasn't as epic as the one in Denmark, WA, though.

Ron then dropped us off where he picked us up that morning. We took the train back to the flat in Freo. My mom took some pictures as the sun set and of the view as the night lights came on. We then went to dinner at Mexican Kitchen in Freo. I got the steak fajitas again and my mom and I shared some Mexican fruit punch. It is a frozen strawberry drink with lemon juice. It is delicious!

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