Saturday, November 13, 2010

We almost died!

Today I met up with Corin, Morgan, Lily, and Shawn to talk about our indigenous issues class and to go over the questions. We went to the library and worked through the short answers, studied the multiple choice, and did a bit of a timeline for to help us prepare for the essay. We have all of the questions for the short answer and multiple choice sections, but we won't know the essay question until the test. She also gave us the answers to the multiple choice section. I then went home and studied some more. I know all of the answers to the multiple choice, which is 25% of the test, so I'll at least get 25% correct. (Well, theoretically...) And I almost forgot that I almost ate a maggot/worm type thing on accident today! I was eating tomatoes, and when I looked down at my hand I noticed something weird on it. I took it off and put it on my plate and then noticed it started moving! It was little and disgusting. At least it wasn't half of a worm, but there may have been more that I ate without knowing. I threw the rest of the tomatoes away and don't think I'll be eating them for quite a while.

Connor's birthday was also today. He turned 19. We all went out to Metro Freo. It was Corin, Carrie, Ria, Sam, Brendan, Mike, and Connor. Gen, Morgan, Lily, Natalie, and Shawn were also on our bus and going to Metro. When we got into the city, Carrie and I started to cross the street. She looked the wrong way and I was just following her when someone told us to stop for the bus. I then slipped on the curb and fell. We almost got hit by the bus, which was really scaring. You would think that not looking the right way when crossing the street would be a problem when we first got here, not when we leave in a few weeks! It was a lot of fun. We ended up leaving a little before two because someone got kicked out for crying. We ended up catching the Night Rider bus again.


John said...

If I did not know you better I would say this sounds like drunken misadventures. Kicked out for crying is the best reason I have ever heard for getting kicked out.

Brad said...

I'm glad you are OK...Your title scared me. See you soon!