Sunday, November 14, 2010

Corvus corANNOYdes

I basically just studied today. I practiced writing my short answers for my contemporary indigenous issues exam. I went to the study flat/room for a while because Carrie and Ria were there studying and Carrie told me to come when she came to visit me while taking a break from studying.

My parents suggested some new topics for me to write about in my blog. My dad suggested that I write about the things that I will miss the most and things I'll miss the least about Australia once I leave. I'll probably forget things so I might add more things to this post at later times. Things that I'll miss the most will be hardest because you don't realize what you have until it is gone, so I probably won't realize I miss something until I get back.


  • I'm sure I'll miss some of the people/new friends
  • Murdoch Christians United- but glad to be going back to a Christian school
  • hearing Australian accents :P
  • warm weather (although I do love snow sometimes and won't like the heat that's here when I leave)
  • lack of precipitation- It doesn't rain often here... I hate the rain!
  • being able to get into places like bars/clubs even though I don't drink (but this won't matter after May 26 since I'll turn 21 and I barely go to any of them at home anyway, but it's nice to be old enough to go to them)
  • the relaxed atmosphere- people that know me well know that know that I have a problem with anxiety attacks and last year I went through a bunch of health problems because of that. I am also on anti-anxiety medication, but even when I forgot to take it for a while I was better that I usually am at home
  • The adventures around different parts of Australia- CIEE has been awesome with taking us to different places! (Australearn and other study abroad organizations that people are from at Murdoch don't have that, so I strongly suggest CIEE for those studying abroad!)
  • TransPerth public transportation- you can get almost anywhere on the bus/train system. It goes to both Freo and Perth. I wish we had public transportation like that at home.  The MAX just doesn't compare, despite the kangaroo mascot!


  • Birds- not sure if I posted the bird calls on here, but they are so annoying... check them out here. The Australian Raven/Crow is the most annoying
  • I keep identifying birds and tree species subconsciously because of wildlife biology. If I see a tree I'll be like 'That's a jarrah' or if I see an Aussie raven 'that's a Corvus coronoides.' It's so annoying and I'm glad we don't have those trees or animals in America!
  • No bugs/animals that aren't pets in my living area. Sometimes my flatmates leave the door open and I've seen magpies in our flat and Brendan has seen a quenda! There are also always spiders and other bugs in the bathroom.
  • The Australian grading system- they grade so harshly! They make it fit an actual bell curve instead of the grade inflation we have in the States
  • Having to walk to the store to get groceries- so glad my friends have cars and there are meijer runs and my dad can visit to buy me groceries back at Hope
  • The prices of certain things, like groceries, being really high... chicken is over $13 per kilo, which is about $5.90 per lb. 

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