Sunday, November 28, 2010

Road trip Buddies

I had to get up really early this morning to finish packing and catch a cab to the Student Village at Murdoch. Steve had called me last night to say that he was going to pick up Katie and I there and take us to Tim Thorburn's house to leave. I set my alarm to 5:15, but hit snooze a few times and didn't get up until 5:35. My parents had called a cab for me yesterday because the buses did not run early enough in the morning. I got in the cab at about 6:15. The cab driver was kind of a creeper. He kept talking to me about Aussie boys and it was really weird and awkward. He also talked about how much he could tell that my parents loved me and how lucky I was. Luckily the cab ride was only about 15 minutes. I got to the village early, so I just sat at the pool deck with my stuff while I waited for Steve. Steve came and so did Katie. Then Steve told us that Nathalie was staying at his house and wasn't ready when he came to get us. We had to go back to Steve's house to pick her up.

We then went to Tim's house and got there by about 8. We waited for a long time for everyone to get their crap together, late comers to arrive, and to get everything packed and details sorted. Katie and I ended up going to the store nearby with a few girls to pass the time. They wanted to find something to use as a jump rope during our stops on the bus. They didn't find anything, though. Before we left, they also went over this complicated rotation of the buses/cars that we had and put us in groups according to our mission teams. WE had a big bus (Gemma), a small bus (Henry), and two cars. We finally ended up leaving Tim's house at 10.
Inside Gemma

I was on Gemma during the day. We had a hymn-along, which was a lot of fun. We also had to bring our lunches and eat them on the bus because we weren't stopping for lunch that day. We played some more games after lunch. For dinner we stopped at a park in Coolgardie. They made chicken curry, which I barely ate because I don't like curry, and cous cous. After dinner was the first bus switch and my group was in Henry. It was a really cold night because I had left my sleeping bag in my suitcase instead of taking it or some kind of blanket on the bus.

The title refers to Katie and me since this was our third road trip together. We went to Denmark, WA together with CIEE and the Northwest/Outback Excursion with Murdoch's study abroad program before embarking on this trip.

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