Thursday, November 11, 2010

Today was not my day...

At 9:20, we had a meeting for NTE/bus trip so we met in front of the library and then went to a room in the Education and Humanities building. As I was going there, it was raining, so I got my raincoat, but it ended up clearing up later in the day. The meeting was about 2 hours long and we discussed what we were going to be doing on the mission portion of the trip. Afterward I went to the bank then went to pick up my graded lab report from the Biological Sciences building. I had looked at my grade on LMS, like moodle, and I thought I had done really well because I thought it was out of 30 because it was 30% of our final grade. That was not the case as I realized when I was looking at the actual report when I got back to my flat. I not only did worse than I thought, but I failed. I still do not understand how that happened because I got 70% on the other one and always get B's on the ones at home.I think the reason is that my tutor graded the other report and the lecturer graded this one or something. I was totally freaking out, although for some reason I just can't actually cry. I then calculated what I have to get on the final and realized that I wasn't totally doomed. I need 58.3% to get a B equivalent in the class and only 39% to get a C equivalent. I thought I would be able to get an A- equivalent, but now I'd have to get over 80%, and that's pretty much not going to happen.

Later Carrie texted me if I wanted to go to the store. I had to go, so we went. We also failed our second flat inspection yesterday, so today someone came to clean the parts of the flat that failed. We have to pay for that, but I don't know how much that is yet. I honestly haven't studied at all today because it has just been a bad day. I was having a hard time concentrating on life. (not to mention all of the drama that is going on back at Hope over housing for next semester!) I'm now listening to Darren Criss singing Teenage Dream on Glee on repeat on my computer to help make it better. :)

Also, please leave a comment asking a question or giving a topic for me to talk about!


Therese said...

I'm sorry your day is going so bad :(
Did they leave any comments on your report so you know what needed improvement? That's the problem when the person grading is not consistent; you don't know the expectations for each person. Just put it behind you and focus on doing your best on the finals. Be sure you are clear on the expectations for that, and see if there are any study groups or tutoring available.
The experience and maturity you have gained in your semester abroad are the most valuable things!

Caitlin said...

Yeah, he left comments. I feel like he was just a really tough grader. IT doesn't matter about improving, though because that was my last lab report for my last biology class. I am trying to just put it behind me and focus on finals, but today has just been such a crappy day.