Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 122 and my parents come!

This is actually being posted a day late because I ended up staying at my parent's flat so I couldn't blog that night.

I had my parents text me when they got to Sydney and when they got to Perth so that I knew they'd arrived safe. My mom then texted me about an hour after they had arrived in Perth to say that they were at their flat in Freo. She sent the text 'Accio Caitlin' because she knows my love of Harry Potter too well. :) I went to Freo markets to meet them and when I got there, there was a weird couple playing music. Then the pirate sword swallower, that I saw the first time I was in Freo, was performing. It was a full circle kind of moment.  My dad was on the phone trying to get their internet fixed so they ended up being a little late. They came up from behind me since I didn't know what way they were coming from. I was so excited to see them, I just can't explain it.

We then went to Next Door for lunch. I had an angus burger and it was awesome! It was like a steak, but folded, on a roll like a hamburger. It also had caramelized onions on it and came with potato wedges. We then walked around the Freo markets. I got a Fremantle footy scarf and my parents got a present for my nephew. I also noticed at one of the places they had these olives that sounded really good because they had garlic, paprika, and chili powder. My dad and I each tried one and then we had to buy some! They are epically delicious!!! I ended up eating them all that night and wanted more! We then walked around Freo some more and down by the water. Afterward we went to my parent's flat. It is actually cheaper to stay in a flat in Australia than it is to stay in a hotel. I ended up just staying there the night. I ended up falling asleep at around 7:30 but just for a few hours before I woke up. My parents also had trouble sleeping because they are jet lagged from the long flight and 13 hour time difference. My dad also wanted to stay up for the Michigan/Wisconsin game. I kept yelling at him to go to sleep though, since he wouldn't get used to the time difference if he wasn't sleeping at night! I eventually did fall back asleep, but not until 3:30ish.

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