Tuesday, November 9, 2010

P-A-R-T- Why? because I gotta!

I went to meet Carrie and Corin this morning because we decided to go to the zoo. Corin and I thought at first we were going to the Perth Zoo, but we actually went to Caversham. It is a wildlife park near Perth and it is AWESOME! It took a long time to get there, though. We had to take a bus to Murdoch Station, train to Perth, train to Bassendean, and then a bus to the park. Then there was a bench and intercom to call them for a complimentary bus ride into the park because it is kind of a distance in to get to the main office.

There were a lot of different areas into and a bunch of animals both that you could interact with and that were in enclosures. There was a huge area that the kangaroos could walk around in that we were allowed in. We even saw one kangaroo with the legs of her joey sticking out of the pouch! There was also an area where you could go and pet koalas and get pictures with them. You are no longer able to hold koalas, though. :( We also got to see the Farm Show and Meet the Wombat and Friends. At the Farm show they showed how the Australian Kelpie herds sheep and then the sheared a sheep. They also had a competition of little kids to feed baby sheet milk and it was adorable! At the end they let everyone milk the cow. Since I have a picture of me milking a fake cow at the Perth Royal Show, I felt obligated to milk a real cow. I thought it would be awkward touching a cow's utter, but I did it. I accidentally sprayed milk on the man in charge helping is. Oops! Carrie and Corin also milked the cow. At the Wombat and Friends Show, they brought out different animals and at the end we could pet them. I took almost 300 pictures (not counting videos and after I deleted the crappy ones) so I can't put them all on here, but I'm putting them on flickr.

When we got back, we went to Corin's flat and ordered pizza from Dominoes. I ate nearly my entire pizza! (only 2 pieces left, which is about 3 times as much pizza as I normally eat!) We watched The Mask, which I hadn't seen in like 10 years (pretty sure that's an exaggeration, but it has been a long time). Now I'm exhausted and just want to go to sleep even though it is only about 8.

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