Thursday, November 18, 2010

Spoiler alert!

Well, not really, but I did go see Harry Potter! (It came out at midnight on the 18th instead of the 19th in Australia)

I woke up early this morning to get some more studying in before my exam, but I ended up taking two naps before 10! Lack of sleep takes two days to catch up and I definitely was feeling that. I also had a bit of senioritis/Australiaitis because, even though I'm not a senior, it is my last biology class. (assuming that I pass :P) The exam didn't seem too bad, but I always get the opposite grade than what I think I did. I'm just hoping that I passed and never have to take another biology class again! (Fun fact: spell check recognizes senioritis as a word, at least on my internet!)

Before my exam, Carrie had sent me a message that said she was worried about her final tomorrow so she no longer wanted to go to the movie. After asking around to a few people, I finally saw Sam on chat and she said she'd buy Carrie's ticket. We went to Millennium Cinema in Freo. There was a decent amount of people there, but no where near the number of people that would be there opening day in the States. There were also people dressed up, which made me happy. :) The movie was really good, had some funny points, and almost brought me to tears in more than a couple places. The first scene really got to me, but I won't say what that scene was. Also one of the last ones, but you'll have to see the movie or ask me in a message or email because I don't want to spoil anyone. I don't think that it was the best Harry Potter movie, Half Blood Prince is my favourite, but it was good and extremely emotional. I definitely want to see it again, but movies here are so expensive so I'm going to wait until I'm back home.

Oh and a weird thing about Australian cinemas is that they don't have the same type of previews before the movie that we do in the States. They had a lot of ads like you would see on tv, and even one to visit South Africa! They did have a few previews for other movies and like one ad to turn off your phone, but that's it. I also found out that there is going to be another Narnia movie coming out in December, so I'm sure that will end up being our family Christmas movie.

On another note, my parents are leaving 3pm their time, which is 4am here to come and visit me! They should arrive midday/afternoon on Saturday. Please pray that they have a good and safe trip. I can't wait to see them!!!


Brad said...

How much did it cost for the movie in Aussie dollars?

Caitlin said...

$17.50! That includes the $1 online fee.