Thursday, October 7, 2010

I almost forgot to blog :O

I have no classes on Thursdays. I woke up because I wanted to read, but again I fail at life and didn't end up reading. I guess I probably should find a good quiet place to study, but I don't know where since the library is loud and I don't like to study outside. I ended up watching some of Modern Family and Survivor before going to MCU, but they were taking forever to load, so I had to watch the endings when I got back.

I went to MCU common time and a man named George gave his testimony. He is from Saudi Arabia and grew up Muslim. He talked of his conversion to Christianity and the difficulties with that in Saudi Arabia. After MCU, I came back to my flat and Carrie texted me to go to the store. We went at 2:30ish, so I just went online in the meantime. I went to the post office to mail back my absentee ballot and my postcards. Hopefully they will all make their way back to the states soon. I also went to Coles and Kmart to buy groceries.

When I came back I took a nap. Not sure why, but I felt like I needed one. Then it was time for dinner and I talked to my dad about getting my plane ticket home. I finally registered for the NTE conference and I sent my registration information for the bus trip to the person on the form. He hasn't emailed me back, though. We have a meeting about it on Sunday. My dad also got me a flight home on the 13th of December. (And because I'll be going backwards in time zones I'll get home that night) That's the Monday of exam week for Hope, so I guess I won't be visiting before they leave.

For some reason I was online for the rest of the night. I think it's because I showered after my dad and I finished with the tickets and then by the time I checked my email and stuff it was too late to get anything accomplished and I got sucked into the allure of the internet. It's way worse than it has ever been before and I think it's the not having a roommate thing. It's so much easier to be motivated to study when you see someone else studying. I also somehow go to optical illusions online and have been spending too much time looking at those. Like I said, I have a problem!

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