Friday, October 8, 2010

I tried to publish without a title to get it on posted on the right date, but I was too late :(

This morning seems to have been a long time ago like it's been a few day. I kept wanting to wake up at like 6:30 because it was really bright outside, despite my sheet still being up with my curtains. They don't have daylight savings time here, which means that it gets really bright really early. I guess they have it in other parts of Australia, and they keep placing it on the ballot here. It is never passes, though. I forced myself to sleep more, though because I was just too lazy to get up and I didn't want to get up and then be tired during class. When I got up for class I went to check my email and open my episodes so that they could load while I was in class. Class was so boring! I feel that we don't learn anything in that class. I did come to the conclusion that I have no idea why anyone would want to be a statistician, though.

When I came back, I watched Law and Order: SVU and The Big Bang Theory while cooking chicken for lunch. It was one of, if not the, best episodes of tBBT so far! I love Shamy! I then took a nap, read some, and got caught up online again. I tagged my old pictures on facebook and went through old pictures on flickr. I also put some on facebook because it's fun to share with other people group shots, like the one of my soccer team when I was little. I didn't realize it then, but I later went to middle school with about half of them! I also tried to tag a bunch of people in our class picture from high school. It was hard because I had to cross reference with the bigger version on flickr and I couldn't remember half of the people that I knew then's names.

(As for the title, I have since figured out how to change it, so the date is right :P )


Jacki said...

doesn't blogger let you just change the published date?

Caitlin said...

if it does I have no idea how :P

Caitlin said...

I figured it out :)