Friday, October 1, 2010


Today has been a long, but fun, day. It started out with entering data for the field study for biology. I saw another student, but we were confused about where to go and found some other people confused. They tried calling/texting anyone whose number they had that was in the class. We ended up finding that they were in a class room next to where we met the other days for some intro on the data entering. We then had part of our group entering data and part identifying residues and such that we weren't sure about in the field. We were supposed to be working until 1, but we actually got done at 10:15. Hugh greatly overestimated the time this would take too.

I came back from lab and just relaxed for a while because I couldn't fall asleep to take a nap. I was also texting Carrie because we were going to go to the Perth Royal Show. We met up with Sam, Portia, and Paige at 1 to all go over together. The Royal Show is like this giant fair thing and it was awesome. I took some pictures, which are on facebook and flickr. There were all sorts of fair food, animals, rides, and other fun stuff. There are also these things called showbags. There were two Coca-Cola ones that I wanted to get, as those that know me well know my obsession. I bought one of them, but the one that I really wanted (it had a cool backpack) was sold out when I got there. There were also booths where you could buy stuff and get free samples. We had lots of samples at the liquorice place.  There were multiple stands and we all ended up buying some. :) Oh the title is a quote of what I said when I saw people with the birds on their heads at one of the animal places. I really wanted one to be on my head for a picture, but it was taking too long, so I didn't. I did hold a guinea pig that was being passed around and got my picture with it, though.

After the show, I came back and watched the Big Bang Theory on and got changed because we decided that we were all going to go out with Paige's flatmates. We went to Perth to a club called Carnegie's. It was alright, but kinda got boring. They all decided that they are making me go to Newport on Wednesday, but I have a book review due Friday so we'll see about that. Other than that, we just came back and now I'm exhausted. G'night!

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