Saturday, October 2, 2010

Sometimes I have the attention span of a goldfish!

I've basically "read" my book for my Contemporary Indigenous Issues class all day today. I put that in quotes because they book is really boring and I keep not concentration and ending up on the internet. I somehow managed to read two chapters today, but I have no idea what I actually read. I have a book report for this book due on Friday, and I'm not doing well in the class, so I really have to do well on this paper. It is worth 30% of our grade! Hopefully my mind can concentrate more on reading tomorrow and Monday during the time between lecture and tute. In the tutorial we have someone coming in to tell us how to write a book review, so I pretty much need to have it read by then. I thought coming into this semester that this would be my favourite class, but it is definitely my least favourite! (and that's putting it nicely!) I would try to keep reading, but I think I may just go online for a while then go to bed early and hopefully wake up earlier and actually read.

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