Thursday, October 14, 2010

I wish I could remember a quote from today...

I wanted to wake up early today because I had a lot to do. I set my alarm for 8:30, then hit snooze. I thought I hit it again, but turns out I turned it off! I still woke up at 10, so it wasn't horrible, but later than I wanted. I then went to get my chicken out to start cooking and went to the office to get $1 coins for the laundry and turn in my village survey. I feel like I had a pretty productive morning because I cooked my chicken, did laundry, and read my book all at the same time! I also started to load my shows while I went to MCU.

MCU common time had Rory Shiner, a pastor from a church at UWA (University of Western Australia). He talked about Singleness, Marriage, and Decision making. He talked about the passage from 1 Corinthians 7:25-40 and it was interesting. Steve also talked about a Faith and Film event coming up where they are going to watch No Country for Old Men and discuss how it relates to morality and such afterwards. Not sure if I'll go yet, though. I then went back, got my laundry, and saw one of those big lizard things that I saw the other day right outside of our flat. I had my camera this time, so I took a picture. I then finished my lunch and folded my laundry while watching Modern Family, Survivor, and Law & Order: SVU. I then had a bit of a headache, so I took an hour nap. When I woke up I saw the hangers in my closet and realized that I could make a stand for Octavius that would stay, so I did that.

I then basically read for the rest of the night with breaks for dinner, showering, and general facebook/email checking. I had an adventure with the vending machines too. I really wanted a snickers, so I went to the vending machine a few flats over. For some reason the snickers thing wasn't working and when I typed in the number it said to make another selection. I then went to another vending machine, but they didn't have snickers or anything that looked good. I then went back to the first vending machine and got tim tam fingers. They were pretty good except they were almost frozen, which I didn't like. I finished reading my book about 1/2 hour ago and now I have to read some other reviews on the book and write an outline so before my meeting with her tomorrow.

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